Windows Phone 10We yesterday reported a incremental build of Windows Phone 8.1 update 1, which looked like a candidate for quick roll-out, but seems now Microsoft has started testing the Windows (Phone) 10 Builds too. Today, for the first time, a Windows Phone 10 Build has appeared on WPBench and it is easy to identify with the Build number 10.0.11345.

Before this, we only have seen either 8.10.xxxxx or 8.15.xxxxx series of Builds, which we believe to be Windows Phone 8.1 GDR1 and GDR2 builds. Microsoft has yet to release GDR2 to dev preview devices and with Windows 10 Builds appearing already, one can really wonder about whether Microsoft plans to even escape on GDR2.

The appearance of Windows Phone 10 Build also coincides with Kernel number jump for latest known Technical preview Windows 10 version 10.0.9888. This is the first version with Windows Kernel 10 ever and marks a big jump from the earlier most advanced kernel version 6.4 of the latest released Build 9879. Read more here. This means Microsoft may have chosen to unify Windows Phone and Windows versions with upgraded Kernel.